04.02.2017, ciekawa konferencja




What are the main societal concerns of young immigrants in Iceland and what kind of challenges and limitations are they facing? How can young people in Iceland work together to improve the situation of young immigrants in Iceland, encourage more active participation and ensure their full inclusion in society? Those are questions that the open conference ‘Embracing YOUTH Migration’ aims to answer. Entrance is free of charge, everyone is welcome and young immigrants are especially encouraged to attend. Please click on ‘Find Tickets’ above to register.

The conference will take place on the 4th of February at Árnagarður (room 311) from 13:00 to 17:00. Young immigrants in Iceland as a group, have no stakeholder and lack opportunities to be involved in policy and decision making processes. In order to empower, integrate and unite young immigrants in Iceland, The Icelandic Youth Council calls for a dialogue. A platform will be created for young immigrants to raise their opinions. The goal is to unite divided groups and strengthen the joint voice of young people.

The conference is funded by the Ministry of Welfare and is organised by The Icelandic Youth Council in cooperation with the The National Union for Icelandic Students (LÍS – Landssamtök íslenskra stúdenta) andProjektPolska.is.

Moderator: Tomasz Chrapek, chair of ProjektPolska.is

– Ásta Lovísa Arnórsdóttir, Equality Officer of the Icelandic Youth Council
– Juan Camilo Roman Estrada, Specialist in Immigration at the Human Rights Office of Reykjavík
– Þórhildur Ósk Hagalín, External Relations Officer at The Icelandic Directorate of Immigration.
– Sema Erla Serdar, Project Manager at the Icelandic Youth Forum
– Jovana Pavlović, Political Science Student at the University of Iceland
– Dr. Anh-Dao Tran, Researcher at The Educational Research Institute at the University of Iceland
– Fida Abu Libdeh, CEO geoSilica Iceland
– Gunnhildur Gunnarsdóttir, The Secretary of the board of WOMEN in Iceland

The presentations will be followed with a panel discussion. Refreshments will be offered during break and after the conference.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Tinna Isebarn, the Secretary General of the Icelandic Youth Council via tinna.isebarn@youth.is.